Results for 'Niels Holm Jensen'

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  1.  41
    Testing Theories about Ethnic Markers.Niels Holm Jensen, Michael Bang Petersen, Henrik Høgh-Olesen & Michael Ejstrup - 2015 - Human Nature 26 (2):210-234.
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    Kierkegaard's Donations to the Library of the Scandinavian Society in Rome.Niels W. Bruun & Finn Gredal Jensen - 2009 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2009 (2009):601-610.
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    Kierkegaard‛s Latin Translations of the New Testament in the Journal CC.Niels W. Bruun & Finn Gredal Jensen - 2001 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2001 (1):443-452.
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    A 3.5year diary study: Remembering and life story importance are predicted by different event characteristics.Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen, Thomas Jensen, Tine Holm, Martin Hammershøj Olesen, Anette Schnieber & Jan Tønnesvang - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:180-195.
  5.  28
    Humanism in forensic psychiatry: the use of the tidal nursing model.Jean Daniel Jacob, Dave Holmes & Niels Buus - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (3):224-230.
    Humanism in forensic psychiatry: the use of the tidal nursing modelThe humanist school of thought, which finds resonance in many conceptual models and theories designed to guide nursing practice, needs to be understood in the context of the total institution, where the individual is subjected to amortification of the self, and denied autonomy. This article will engage in a critical reflection on how humanism has influenced nursing theorists and the subsequent production of conceptual models and theories, especially as they relate (...)
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  6. Bisimulation and expressivity for conditional belief, degrees of belief, and safe belief.Mikkel Birkegaard Andersen, Thomas Bolander, Hans van Ditmarsch & Martin Holm Jensen - 2017 - Synthese 194 (7):2447-2487.
    Plausibility models are Kripke models that agents use to reason about knowledge and belief, both of themselves and of each other. Such models are used to interpret the notions of conditional belief, degrees of belief, and safe belief. The logic of conditional belief contains that modality and also the knowledge modality, and similarly for the logic of degrees of belief and the logic of safe belief. With respect to these logics, plausibility models may contain too much information. A proper notion (...)
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  7. Without prophetic and apostolic voices'. Niels Hemmingsen's on the law of nature according to a demonstrative method.Mads Langballe Jensen - 2022 - In Hans Willem Blom (ed.), Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th-17th Centuries. Boston: BRILL.
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    The Usual Model Construction for NFU Preserves Information.M. Randall Holmes - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (4):571-580.
    The usual construction of models of NFU (New Foundations with urelements, introduced by Jensen) is due to Maurice Boffa. A Boffa model is obtained from a model of (a fragment of) Zermelo–Fraenkel with Choice (ZFC) with an automorphism which moves a rank: the domain of the Boffa model is a rank that is moved. “Most” elements of the domain of the Boffa model are urelements in terms of the interpreted NFU. The main result of this paper is that the (...)
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    Strong axioms of infinity in NFU.M. Randall Holmes - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (1):87-116.
    This paper discusses a sequence of extensions ofNFU, Jensen's improvement of Quine's set theory “New Foundations” (NF) of [16].The original theoryNFof Quine continues to present difficulties. After 60 years of intermittent investigation, it is still not known to be consistent relative to any set theory in which we have confidence. Specker showed in [20] thatNFdisproves Choice (and so proves Infinity). Even if one assumes the consistency ofNF, one is hampered by the lack of powerful methods for proofs of consistency (...)
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    The equivalence of NF-Style set theories with "tangled" theories; the construction of ω-models of predicative NF (and more).M. Randall Holmes - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (1):178-190.
    An ω-model (a model in which all natural numbers are standard) of the predicative fragment of Quine's set theory "New Foundations" (NF) is constructed. Marcel Crabbe has shown that a theory NFI extending predicative NF is consistent, and the model constructed is actually a model of NFI as well. The construction follows the construction of ω-models of NFU (NF with urelements) by R. B. Jensen, and, like the construction of Jensen for NFU, it can be used to construct (...)
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    Systems of combinatory logic related to Quine's ‘New Foundations’.M. Randall Holmes - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 53 (2):103-133.
    Systems TRC and TRCU of illative combinatory logic are introduced and shown to be equivalent in consistency strength and expressive power to Quine's set theory ‘New Foundations’ and the fragment NFU + Infinity of NF described by Jensen, respectively. Jensen demonstrated the consistency of NFU + Infinity relative to ZFC; the question of the consistency of NF remains open. TRC and TRCU are presented here as classical first-order theories, although they can be presented as equational theories; they are (...)
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    Christina Folke Ax;, Niels Brimnes;, Niklas Thode Jensen;, Karen Oslund . Cultivating the Colonies: Colonial States and Their Environmental Legacies. xiv + 337 pp., illus., bibls., index. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2011. $29.95. [REVIEW]Camilo Quintero - 2013 - Isis 104 (1):150-151.
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  13. Parental responsibility and obesity in children.Søren Holm - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (1):21-29.
    Cardiff Law School, Museum Avenue, Cardiff CF10 3AX, UK. Tel: +44(0)2920875447, Fax: +44(0)2920874097; Email: Holms{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract The paper presents a brief overview of current knowledge about (i) the link between parental behaviour and lifestyle and childhood obesity, (ii) the many other factors influencing overweight and obesity rates in children and (iii) the effectiveness of interventions in children who are already overweight and obese. On the basis of this, it is analysed (...)
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  14. Value maximization, stakeholder theory, and the corporate objective function.Michael C. Jensen - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (2):235-256.
    Abstract: In this article, I offer a proposal to clarify what I believe is the proper relation between value maximization and stakeholder theory, which I call enlightened value maximization. Enlightened value maximization utilizes much of the structure of stakeholder theory but accepts maximization of the long-run value of the firm as the criterion for making the requisite tradeoffs among its stakeholders, and specifies long-term value maximization or value seeking as the firm’s objective. This proposal therefore solves the problems that arise (...)
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  15.  25
    Ethical problems in clinical practice: the ethical reasoning of health care professionals.Søren Holm - 1997 - New York: Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press.
    This new study provides a thorough analysis of the ethical reasoning of doctors and nurses. Based on extensive interviews, Soren Holm's work demonstrates how qualitative research methods can be used to study ethical reasoning, and that the results of such studies are important for normative ethics, that is, the analysis of how health care professionals ought to act.
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    Egalitarianism and Algorithmic Fairness.Sune Holm - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (1):1-18.
    What does it mean for algorithmic classifications to be fair to different socially salient groups? According to classification parity criteria, what is required is equality across groups with respect to some performance measure such as error rates. Critics of classification parity object that classification parity entails that achieving fairness may require us to choose an algorithm that makes no group better off and some groups worse off than an alternative. In this article, I interpret the problem of algorithmic fairness as (...)
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  17. Rhythms of snow : figures of differentiation in Descartes's meteorology.Cecilia Sjöholm - 2024 - In Through the eyes of Descartes: seeing, thinking, writing. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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  18. A Right against Risk-Imposition and the Problem of Paralysis.Sune Holm - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (4):917-930.
    In this paper I examine the prospects for a rights-based approach to the morality of pure risk-imposition. In particular, I discuss a practical challenge to proponents of the thesis that we have a right against being imposed a risk of harm. According to an influential criticism, a right against risk-imposition will rule out all ordinary activities. The paper examines two strategies that rights theorists may follow in response to this “Paralysis Problem”. The first strategy introduces a threshold for when a (...)
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  19. The Fairness in Algorithmic Fairness.Sune Holm - 2023 - Res Publica 29 (2):265-281.
    With the increasing use of algorithms in high-stakes areas such as criminal justice and health has come a significant concern about the fairness of prediction-based decision procedures. In this article I argue that a prominent class of mathematically incompatible performance parity criteria can all be understood as applications of John Broome’s account of fairness as the proportional satisfaction of claims. On this interpretation these criteria do not disagree on what it means for an algorithm to be _fair_. Rather they express (...)
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  20.  73
    Bioethics Without Theory?Søren Holm - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (2):159-166.
    The question that this paper tries to answer is Q: “Can good academic bioethics be done without commitment to moral theory?” It is argued that the answer to Q is an unequivocal “Yes” for most of what we could call “critical bioethics,” that is, the kind of bioethics work that primarily criticizes positions or arguments already in the literature or put forward by policymakers. The answer is also “Yes” for much of empirical bioethics. The second part of the paper then (...)
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    Biobanking human embryonic stem cell lines: policy, ethics and efficiency.Søren Holm - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (4):265-276.
    Stem cell banks curating and distributing human embryonic stem cells have been established in a number of countries and by a number of private institutions. This paper identifies and critically discusses a number of arguments that are used to justify the importance of such banks in policy discussions relating to their establishment or maintenance. It is argued (1) that ‘ethical arguments’ are often more important in the establishment phase and ‘efficiency arguments’ more important in the maintenance phase, and (2) that (...)
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    Den erkendelsesteoretiske konflikt mellem den transcendental-filosofiske idealisme og teologien.K. E. Løgstrup - 1942 - København,: Samlerens forlag.
    K.E. Løgstrups disputats fra 1942 – nu i revideret udgave med Løgstrups senere tilføjelser og rettelser. Redaktion og efterskrift ved Kees van Kooten Niekerk. Den transcendentalfilosofiske Problemstillings Forstaaelse af Livet i sig selv som formløst og skikkelsesløst deler Teologien ikke. Den jødisk-kristne Livsforstaaelse er den modsatte: at Livet er noget bestemt, før og uanset den Skikkelse det vinder i Kulturen. Menneskelivet er ikke først og ikke udelukkende Kultur-Liv. I Israels Tro og i Jesu Forkyndelse er Livet i sig selv, uanset (...)
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  23. Morality and Luck.Henning Jensen - 1984 - Philosophy 59 (229):323 - 330.
    Thomas Nagel recognizes that it is commonly believed that people can neither be held morally responsible nor morally assessed for what is beyond their control. Yet he is convinced that although such a belief may be intuitively plausible, upon reflection we find that we do make moral assessments of persons in a large number of cases in which such assessments depend on factors not under their control. Of such factors he says: (p. 26).
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    Organism and artifact: Proper functions in Paley organisms.Sune Holm - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4b):706-713.
    In this paper I assess the explanatory powers of theories of function in the context of products that may result from synthetic biology. The aim is not to develop a new theory of functions, but to assess existing theories of function in relation to a new kind of biological and artifactual entity that might be produced in the not-too-distant future by means of synthetic biology. The paper thus investigates how to conceive of the functional nature of living systems that are (...)
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  25.  57
    Statistical evidence and algorithmic decision-making.Sune Holm - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-16.
    The use of algorithms to support prediction-based decision-making is becoming commonplace in a range of domains including health, criminal justice, education, social services, lending, and hiring. An assumption governing such decisions is that there is a property Y such that individual a should be allocated resource R by decision-maker D if a is Y. When there is uncertainty about whether a is Y, algorithms may provide valuable decision support by accurately predicting whether a is Y on the basis of known (...)
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    On the Justified Use of AI Decision Support in Evidence-Based Medicine: Validity, Explainability, and Responsibility.Sune Holm - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-7.
    When is it justified to use opaque artificial intelligence (AI) output in medical decision-making? Consideration of this question is of central importance for the responsible use of opaque machine learning (ML) models, which have been shown to produce accurate and reliable diagnoses, prognoses, and treatment suggestions in medicine. In this article, I discuss the merits of two answers to the question. According to the Explanation View, clinicians must have access to an explanation of why an output was produced. According to (...)
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    Bolsjevisme og apokalypse.Lars Holm-Hansen - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (2):327-334.
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    Commentary: Modeling the Social Dynamics of Moral Enhancement While Illustrating Some Basic Divergences in the Enhancement Debate.Søren Holm - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (3):446-448.
  29.  4
    Religion — Sprache — Wirklichkeit.Søren Holm - 1967 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 9 (2):139-152.
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    The Contemporary Grundtvig.Anders Holm - 2005 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2005 (1):24-36.
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    “Nudging” and Informed Consent Revisited: Why “Nudging” Fails in the Clinical Context.Søren Holm & Thomas Ploug - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (6):29-31.
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    Criminal Law and the Internal Logic of Punishmen.Katrine Krause-Jensen - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 5 (1).
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    Idelogi, historie og politik: notater til en belysning af forholdet mellem Gramsci og Althusser, med specielt henblik på en almen redegørelse for de gramsciske ansatser til en overbygningsteori.Esbern Krause-Jensen - 1976 - Århus: Fagtryk.
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    Wirvergessener Umgang mit Theorien?Holm Tetens - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (5):898-904.
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  35. Donation, Control and the Ownership of Conscious Things.Søren Holm & Jonathan Lewis - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (2):106-108.
  36.  93
    Doctors, Patients, and Nudging in the Clinical Context—Four Views on Nudging and Informed Consent.Thomas Ploug & Søren Holm - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (10):28-38.
    In an analysis of recent work on nudging we distinguish three positions on the relationship between nudging founded in libertarian paternalism and the protection of personal autonomy through informed consent. We argue that all three positions fail to provide adequate protection of personal autonomy in the clinical context. Acknowledging that nudging may be beneficial, we suggest a fourth position according to which nudging and informed consent are valuable in different domains of interaction.
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    High hopes and automatic escalators: a critique of some new arguments in bioethics.S. Holm & T. Takala - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (1):1-4.
    Two protechnology arguments, the “hopeful principle” and the “automatic escalator”, often used in bioethics, are identified and critically analysed in this paper. It is shown that the hopeful principle is closely related to the problematic precautionary principle, and the automatic escalator argument has close affinities to the often criticised empirical slippery slope argument. The hopeful principle is shown to be really hopeless as an argument, and automatic escalator arguments often lead nowhere when critically analysed. These arguments should therefore only be (...)
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  38. Global bioethics – myth or reality?Søren Holm & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2006 - BMC Medical Ethics 7 (1):1-10.
    Background There has been debate on whether a global or unified field of bioethics exists. If bioethics is a unified global field, or at the very least a closely shared way of thinking, then we should expect bioethicists to behave the same way in their academic activities anywhere in the world. This paper investigates whether there is a 'global bioethics' in the sense of a unified academic community. Methods To address this question, we study the web-linking patterns of bioethics institutions, (...)
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  39. Informed consent in medical research : A procedure stretched beyond breaking point?Søren Holm & Søren Madsen - 2009 - In Oonagh Corrigan (ed.), The limits of consent: a socio-ethical approach to human subject research in medicine. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Reading Rousseau with Žižek. The Contract, the Lawmaker and the Contradictions of the Social Contract.Andreas Beck Holm - 2024 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 18 (1).
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau's main work in political philosophy, the _Social Contract_, contains two beginnings; on the one hand, it commences, quite conventionally, with a social contract between individuals, on the other hand it also states that a lawmaker needs to precede the agreement of such a contract. This curious co-existence of two beginnings in the text has usually been ignored or played down by interpreters. This article, on the other hand, presents a reading of their interplay inspired by Zizek's theory of (...)
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    An empirical approach.Søren Holm - 2005 - In Richard E. Ashcroft (ed.), Case analysis in clinical ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 201--211.
  42.  26
    Dyeing bronze: New evidence for an old reading of agamemnon 612.Seth Holm - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (2):486-495.
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  43. ,,Die Revolution der Denkungsart“ oder: Der neue Mensch zwischen Hoffnung und Melancholie bei Kant.Henrik Holm - 2012 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 38 (1):213-236.
    Dieser Aufsatz geht dem Verhältnis von Hoffnung und Melancholie in der praktischen Philosophie Kants nach. Methodischer Ausgangspunkt ist dabei Kants Rede von der ,,Revolution der Denkungsart“ als Voraussetzung des neuen Menschen, der nach dem Gesetz des moralischen Ichs zu leben versucht. Die Existenz des neuen Menschen kann, so die erkenntnisleitende These, geradezu als ein Leben im Spannungsfeld von Hoffnung und Melancholie beschrieben werden. Hierbei wird sich zeigen, dass diese Konzeption in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft eine religionsphilosophische Tiefendimension erhält, in (...)
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    Der religiöse Glaube und das Heil des Menschen.Nils G. Holm - 1994 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 21 (1):9-18.
    Ich will meine Gedanken folgendermaßen zusammenfassen: Ein spontanes und früh erlerntes Glaubenserlebnis ringt immer mit einer wissenschaftlichen Analyse. Zwar wird die Religionspsychologie negativ aufgefaßt, aber sie hilft uns auch einzusehen, wie solch eine Einstellung entstehen kann. Die intensive Glaubenserfahrung enthält immer eine Totalitätsorientierung, die den eigentlichen Grund in transzendentalen Größen sucht. Eine aufgezwängte Umorientierung bringt immer einen gewissen Schmerz mit sich. Eine religionspsychologische Analyse der Glaubensmotive führt jedoch auch zu einem Verständnis für das wichtige Zusammenspiel, das die Symbol-motive der Tradition (...)
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  45. Ethisk Antologi.Søren Holm - 1972 - København,: Universitetsforlaget, (Gad). Edited by Thulstrup, Niels & [From Old Catalog].
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    Ecological entanglements in the anthropocene.Nicholas Holm & Sy Taffel (eds.) - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Ecological Entanglement in the Anthropocene brings together academics, activists, and artists to explore how human and nonhuman worlds act upon and transform one another. This book examines how numerous local practices can productively gesture to actions that exceed the current predictions of impending ecological destruction, with a particular focus upon agriculture, indigeneity and aesthetics.
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    Heideggers storpolitikk.Lars Holm-Hansen - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 35 (2-3):369-380.
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  48. Is Society Responsible for My Health?Soren Holm - 2001 - In Rebecca Bennett & Charles A. Erin (eds.), Hiv and Aids: Testing, Screening, and Confidentiality. Clarendon Press.
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  49. Migration and mediation of music. People's music in the people's republic of china : A semiotic reading of socialist musical culture from the mid to late 1950s / Hon-Lun Yang ; the song that doesn't want to die : The nomadic tango / heloísa de araújo Duarte Valente ; globalizing Bach : The promotion of classical music between idealism and commerce / Cornelia Szabó-knotik ; tell mussorgsky the news : Emerson, lake and Palmer's pictures at an exhibition as open work.Kevin Holm-Hudson - 2006 - In Erkki Pekkilä, David Neumeyer & Richard Littlefield (eds.), Music, meaning and media. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
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    Multilingual Foreign Affairs: Translation and Diplomatic Agency in Eighteenth-Century Stockholm.Sophie Holm - 2021 - Journal of the History of Ideas 82 (3):469-483.
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